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The Daughter of 108-Year-Old Mother Receives $40,000 in Donation To Keep Her Mother in Assisted Living Home

Previous week Susan Hatfield, Carrie Rausch’s daughter shared her mother’s story with how she raised money for her 108-year-old mother who was living in the assisted living home for years but her all earnings ran out.

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She had to call back home since she outlived her savings. She needed more $40,000 to cover an year’s expenses.

Susan Hatfield, defied all odds and raised money for her mother with GoFundMe. She herself 67, said “My mom has always said the Lord will take care of her,”

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Only 24 hours went by since the story posting of Hatfield’s campaign for her mother, “Keep Carrie in Her Current Home, and it literally exceeded the prime goal. In a matter of couple of days 900 people donated $56,000 for her. exceeded its goal.

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Rausch hearing about the funding excitedly said “Oh my goodness! It makes me feel wonderful that I have a lot of people that care.”

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She is the grandmother of four and a great grandmother of six has lived independently so far until 1995 when her husband died. She moved to an assisted living home.

via: People


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The Daughter of 108-Year-Old Mother Receives $40,000 in Donation To Keep Her Mother in Assisted Living Home

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