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Make Up Guru Creates The Famous Characters And She is Winning The Internet

We all grew up watching shows like Sailor Moon etc. and admired the characters. Such shows that were full of magic world, feminine fervor and missions like saving the world, were liked by a massive number of kids.

This beauty guru Picturresque is not less than a magician when it comes to turn herself into such characters especially many of Sailor Moon’s.

The internet is going gaga over her unfailing art of make up with 118k followers and still counting on instagram she is ruling the Social Media rooster.

Here are some of the best works done by her

More info: (h/t)

Few of the many Sailor Moon Characters


13557304 261554594200481 269998297 n 16788978 189070211580177 5145732332300271616 n 16789573 417069191967944 2909014249030287360 n 16908037 1851894965099359 7001246070613213184 n 17076374 1678004179166066 2565553668648599552 n

Other Make up mesh ups that have swarmed in praises

18161959 784866015015101 2150883750269943808 n 17076374 1678004179166066 2565553668648599552 n 16908037 1851894965099359 7001246070613213184 n 16789573 417069191967944 2909014249030287360 n 16789021 1438476732892294 8559928546015838208 n 16788978 189070211580177 5145732332300271616 n 15876579 938856626244882 6043748189314482176 n 15624677 1935967739958741 8162431895456448512 n 15043975 256230361446927 484729467860680704 n 14597458 1710567449255293 7827533727516327936 n 14582470 247762668979784 6646712978643091456 n 14498944 259104411151110 549187950491992064 n 14488375 1807892606092209 498968431203188736 n 14474001 1786964961561946 6473815625578840064 n 14310717 340358846313521 4999096234644865024 n 13827471 1855655931322320 6316477371364933632 n 13767565 1007734706008914 254264053 n 13741480 1079261678828803 1260565313 n 13740939 150495472051230 1390583845 n 13715052 1571637746471087 656155071 n 13557304 261554594200481 269998297 n 13534139 1761205117428142 369326298 n

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Make Up Guru Creates The Famous Characters And She is Winning The Internet

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