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Latest By Cleveland Police About A Homicide Suspect Who Posted Videos on Facebook

The Cleveland Police were searching for an online homicide suspect who, according to them, had killed a victim named Robert Godwin Sr. and shared the footage on Facebook and also claimed to have videotapped multiple homicides before as well. The authorities have yet to verify the facts.

It was midnight when the Police had tweeted about issuing a warrant against an aggravated murder suspect Steve Stephens with a warning to the residents of Pennsylvania, NY, Indiana and Michigan to be aware of.

Stephens who is 6 feet 1-inch tall, African American claimed on Facebook that he’d commit an “Easter day slaughter.” The Police were of the view on Sunday that they were unable to identify the other victims but they are continuously searching multiple areas to locate the whereabouts.

The suspect had been reported earlier driving a light-colored Ford Fusion. The Police called him very dangerous and armed. The last time he was seen wearing a dark blue and gray stripped polo shirt.

The victim Robert Godwin Sr., 74 has been identified by the Police. In this video footage Stephen is getting out of the car and randomly targeting Godwin, a man on sidewalk with a bag in hand. Stephens mentions a woman whom Godwin does not recognize.

“She’s the reason that this is about to happen to you,” Stephens told Godwin moments before pulling out and pointing a gun at him.

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson has publicly urged Stephens to not harm anybody and turn himself in to the Police. “Any problems he is having, we can have a conversation,” Jackson said.

According to USA Today

Authorities on Sunday said a series of posts on Stephens’ Facebook page complained that he had “lost everything” to gambling, NBC News reported. Stephens allegedly wrote: “I killed 12 people today,” and said he wouldn’t stop until he could speak to his mother and a second woman.

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Latest By Cleveland Police About A Homicide Suspect Who Posted Videos on Facebook

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