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5 Major Tech Ruling Roosters Overtaken By New Inventions

#1 Google Fiber

Google Fiber

Even Google never realized why the company was heavily investing in Fiber Optics to help people get the better internet speed and TV.

In the October last year, the Access CEO, of the Alphabet division announced that the company would not exceed the limit of nine cities and the four more where the work is already in progress. They would focus on improving the quality of speed anyhow.  Tin which it is already up and running and four where construction has already begun.

#2 Pebble Smart Watches


The rise and fall of Pebble coincided with the rise and fall of our interest in smart watches.

The interest of the people in the smart watches rose and fell altogether with Pebble. It received a massive boom in the demand back in 2013 and was considered a biggest breakthrough technology then.
Since Apple’s entry into the smart watch manufacturing has really made it almost impossible for all on a certain to compete. The Pebble that was owned by Fitbit later announced that they would no more be taking part in the race.

#3 Project Ara

Project Ara

The September 2016 Google stopped the most anticipated hardware king that was supposed to provide the clients facility for interchangeable smartphone accessories. For example if you want to add an other lens you could do that. But for various reasons the most anticipated device was wrapped back and thrown- because their Puerto Rico test did not prove fruitful.

#4 Vine App

Image result for vine

Just after the launch of Vine in 2013 its looping six-seconds clip gave the world of internet moving media entirely new horizons.

Twitter Inc. also put up various stars for the magic media app and both were all making a greatest fortune. But after reaching its peak the competitors like Instagram and Snapchat attracted the lot to their own typical loop. In 2016 the active users of vine almost stopped visiting and using the app. Recently Twitter is all set to replace Vine with new app that would allow users to continue the same six-second loops for posting directly on Twitter.

 #5 Headphone Jack

Image result for apple headphone jack

Apple decided to call off the old 3.5 mm headphone jack for several reasons. In order to accrue all the leisure benefits from Apple products and to derive the better audio experience the users would have to buy Apple’s new AirPods for $159. It looks like iPhone 7’s massive sales have not been affected by this move at all.



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5 Major Tech Ruling Roosters Overtaken By New Inventions

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