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People Are Adding Hilarious ‘Trump Touching Orb’ Photos With Saudi King & It is Stealing All of The Spotlight

Donald Trump’s world tour kick started with Saudi Arabia as US president. A strange moment has arrived in the life of twitter fans who have been adding a J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of The Rings orb to his photos with Saudi King and it is stealing the major limelight.

During the visit to Riyadh, the Saudi capital, accompanied by President of Egypt Abdel Fattah el-Sisi he attended city’s new Global Center to combat Extreme Ideology. It was a translucent-centerpiece-lit-up-globe. For reasons unknown, King Salman of Saudi Arabia along with two presidents placed their hands on it for almost two lengthy minutes with music to serenade it.

Contrarily, the centerpiece globe was just a decoration and lacks all the seemingly mysterious powers of Lord of The Rings, but social media is taken by storm to add newly photoshopped photos of Trump with orb. It has become the latest meme craze.

Some of the most favorite memes of Trump with Orb are shown below:

In case you dont know Saruman

Back to Trump & Saruman’s Orb

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People Are Adding Hilarious ‘Trump Touching Orb’ Photos With Saudi King & It is Stealing All of The Spotlight

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