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This Model is Very Good at Expressing Horrid Feelings When The World Listens But Does Not Understand

Some times the world looks like so small to overturn and ignore simple things we say and talk about. When the words make their way to other ears but they do not want to answer despite the fact they listen and understand it well.

Dementia, delusion and horrid feelings make a home in our hearts then. It becomes difficult to make them understand.

The Model twiggy is very good at displaying them with simple reasoning when you dont have to speak with the help of words.

He is Such A Wonderful Model


Feeling Disturbia


See the truth in my eyes and believe it without consequences5ac7fb46220413.584c172668039

You speak with the same tongue as I do let me show you how


See no evil 315dfc46220413.584c172668fa2

Speak no evil882c2346220413.584c17266b06c

Hear no evil92426146220413.584c1726687c8 bd281346220413.584c17266a650 ed70c746220413.584c1726653db

Model: Twiggy

Photography by: Pierre Turtaut

Credits: Pierre Turtaut


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This Model is Very Good at Expressing Horrid Feelings When The World Listens But Does Not Understand

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