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UFO Sighting in Real And Beyond Conspiracy Theories

What is A UFO?

“Any apparent anomaly appears in the sky that unidentifiable is regarded as a UFO or Unidentified Flying Object.” Most of the times the claims that were made that our earth has been visited by them has still been considered a conspiracy theory for the various reasons.

This image was captured in Sri Lanka in 2004

Close up of light in sky Sri Lanka

it shows a distinct glow of light resembling a Flying Saucer.


An Alleged UFO sighting in New Jersey, USA, July 31, 1952.


The Following are some facts about UFOs and flying saucers. Although there have been several objects flying over our planet that sometimes get identified and sometimes not.

Here are some of the UFO images related to give you an idea how they look.

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UFOs have become a basic inspiration for fiction

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The acronym “UFO” was VERY FIRST coined by Captain Edward J. Ruppelt and since then it has been used for flying saucers etc.

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The term”flying saucer” had received attention after the summer of 1947 when, June 24, a civilian pilot named Kenneth Arnold reported to have witnessed 9 objects flying in collaboration across Mount Rainier.

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UFOs have been subject of extensive investigation by the experts.

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Definitely unidentifiable aerial observations have been recorded throughout history. Some of which were altogether astronomical in nature such as comets, bright meteors or planets that could be seen without any gadget with your own naked eye-thats true.


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In 1878, Jn 25, according theDenison Daily News printed an article in which a farmer John Martin, was reported to have seen a very large circular object flying at a fast speed that also resembled to a balloon.

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There is a lot of research being conducted in pursuance of finding the real truth about UFOs and theories related to them. We will keep you updated.


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UFO Sighting in Real And Beyond Conspiracy Theories

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