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Fisherman Creates History By Photographing The Unseen Underwater Species

Russian fisherman Roman Fedortsov has the passion for photographing underwater sea creatures. His photos show some of the incredible species you might be looking at for the very first time in life.

He photographs these incredible creatures caught by his fellow fishermen. Many of his photographed creatures could add valuable increment to the vocabulary of any one interested in the respective field.

Here are some of his best photographs

14374159 1148822631865833 3737492077261357056 n 14474463 197923410635708 1116332699687059456 n 14478568 688025191362054 4020877768957886464 n 14482942 126235834508530 7069247226953859072 n 14488309 887593241342239 9071568672635486208 n 14498848 1635058680121938 794837763173122048 n 14499010 312858925739043 6680796030922915840 n 14515877 539629732900343 8097451578593640448 n 14540468 1771044329815321 1588056379510226944 n 14547552 1117136998342021 1650532180683653120 n 14547791 920118924785546 6635000650071539712 n 14550058 1162860737083958 4552236880707452928 n 14553241 361342930885472 7432480166024052736 n 14553290 995838393878767 7065400916236566528 n 14574204 176110176187740 6575171570954665984 n 14590919 798473873588309 6547704400398254080 n 14592029 1341656692541136 8998023722833018880 n 14607027 634570013370328 2764363804950134784 n 14676538 1223607897700707 8571670754674868224 n 14677325 109772282828091 3807406066006753280 n 14701353 199156917195154 176654229677539328 n 14709502 305857903131849 2779746956170231808 n 14711945 207664079661435 5949431910085165056 n 14716431 1874670772756380 1874500165230919680 n 14727491 356005834738812 344812816475095040 n 15057314 1811710802430232 159694073840533504 n 15275548 285807475149958 2726888819428163584 n 15275696 1738487316474422 9126067873431683072 n 15624585 112626255904819 5656077934302068736 n 15625299 385976685073364 122964329568927744 n 15803289 203842283412067 1507918083677749248 n

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Fisherman Creates History By Photographing The Unseen Underwater Species

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