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The Exhibition of Australian Story Land Adventurous Illustrations

The Australian local libraries holding these exhibitions of imaginative stories of trapping and much more adventurous pictures are available for children. This is such an awesome exhibition that you would become a fan of Australian illustrations.

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boy dad boat

The illustrious work of Gary Crew First Light by Lothian Books 1993. The feeling swirling waters under his feet.

possum magic

The merchandising illustrious work “POSSUM MAGIC” by Mem Fox by Omnibus Books published in 1983.

tourist busElise Hurst, ‘Hopping elephants on a tourist bus’,  of the illustration book “The elephants’ big day out”  published by Lothian Books, 2003.

cuddleLisa Stewart, ‘Cuddle’,  the very famous illustrious book “Can I cuddle the moon?” by Kerry Brown  copyrights Scholastic Press, 2011.


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The Exhibition of Australian Story Land Adventurous Illustrations

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