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This Artist Draw Celeb’s Realistic Portraits And They Show Hell of Personage

Loius Villeda, the spanish photographer and illustrator shows impeccable talent as his creations, specially, the digital art works show exact resemblance and strike the perfect chord instead of mere persona.

His works speak for themselves being too realistic to believe. Here are some of his spectacular oozy portraits.

More Info loius villeda

Alejandra Oraa

luis villeda 13597798 100931473681508 1010241253 n luis villeda 13745005 518753358322797 1159213938 n

Meika Woollard @meika_w_official with procreate app

luis villeda 13671801 562023143980217 1927823613 n 1 luis villeda 20160713 112839

A new concept of Henry J. Gloval from Robotech

 luis villeda photo jul 23 6 59 03 pm luis villeda photo jul 24 1 32 35 pm

Bill Murray realistic digital painting

 luis villeda bill2 luis villeda bill murwray2


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This Artist Draw Celeb’s Realistic Portraits And They Show Hell of Personage

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