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This Guy Threw Acid On This Girl & Burned Her Face Now Denying Charges

The Italian beauty queen Gessica Notaro, 27, whose ex-boyfriend allegedly threw acid on her face appeared on TV and bared her scars for the first time. Her ex denies the attack. He is awaiting the trial. She appeared on Canale 5’s Murizio Costanzo show.

Her face was covered with a scarf initially and the host told her could keep it on if she wishes to. She removed it and told the viewers. ‘I want you to see what he did to me. This isn’t love.’ She worked in an aquarium and has spent two months on bed almost imprisoned in a hospital room in Cesena, Rimini for her injuries. The bodyguard Jorge Edson Tavares had allegedly ambushed her.

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When she was modeling
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Working at an Aquarium

3F308C1E00000578 4375654 Happier times Gessica met Tavares pictured with her three years a 36 1492068574905
This guy: Gessica met Tavares, pictured with her, three years ago when they both worked at a dolphin aquarium in her home city Rimini.
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Attack: On January 10, after a rare night out with friends, she believes, Tavares did this. She recalled: ‘I actually felt the plastic of the bottle on my face. He lifted his arm to make sure he emptied the bottle completely and didn’t leave one drop. My face was burning and I instantly started losing my sight.’

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3F30CCB600000578 4375654 Fears Despite moving in with another lover Tavares continued to a 57 1492098731971

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She says
‘I have to spend all my money on medication – every half hour I need eye drops and I have to moisturise my skin constantly. I cannot do my job because I can’t go in the water.

‘Even when I’m better, I will have scars on the inside for the rest of my life. I will always be scared to get out of my car and walk home because I will relive that scene again and again.’

But, despite her life-changing injuries, the courageous model and TV presenter, who has just finished an album, remains optimistic because she can still sing. ‘Underneath this mask there’s severe damage,’ she said.

‘My face is ruined but my facial features are still there. My mouth is intact. So is my nose. I still recognise myself in the mirror. This eye should have been blind but it isn’t.

‘And the most important thing I found out that night is that my voice is still there. I risked losing it as the acid ended up in my mouth, but I was alert enough to spit it out.’

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This Guy Threw Acid On This Girl & Burned Her Face Now Denying Charges

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