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Creative Kids Can Help You Become A Prolific Author in Australia

This is absolutely true folks. Jenna Williams and Lachlann Carter founded 100 Story Building in 2009. This amazing non-for-profit organization that helps the kids to become professional writers. The story does not END here these kids become very professional due to their devotion that they could help other kids as well. Some of them are so talented that they could edit your manuscript for you if you got one.

Being based in Melbourne Inner-west they have been helping schools and students for the said work to attain mastery. Here are some glimpses of their works found on Social Media.



923771 376666412497385 784910570 n 927532 1544244385873009 365028544 n 928952 607810302652194 544718548 n 1517223 894242930597410 279552269 n 1741895 385473154958764 1204672637 n 10471892 697620230357012 1994815290 n 10584535 1093375317355247 2106162983 n 10593312 620507838079562 521792650 n 10616900 378777085651048 1255453356 n 10727694 1546787368907626 1626209535 n 10810099 740379739386148 1249664005 n 10843997 1385003108459629 736477898 n 10848210 857661794282727 1764705757 n 10903309 323807181155118 194637934 n 10903572 606897396124424 481859581 n 11008312 1567419483529761 1990569674 n 11022839 1064480476912384 509905161 n 11022843 400785543434157 1099860359 n 11094474 788387281257057 1615093810 n 11111531 747641872020446 292530396 n 11193045 927555920641767 514818900 n 11193131 1613385168918899 1729638965 n 11311535 527285880759609 290208662 n 11379917 791067817674447 452468063 n

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Creative Kids Can Help You Become A Prolific Author in Australia

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